Humans are adapted to the cosmic radiation and the Earth's magnetic field
that we have lived with for hundreds of thousands of years.
But since World War 1 there has been a massive increase in electromagnetic radiation.
Our homes and workplaces are now bristling with electrical appliances.
Some people are also influenced by radiation from high-tension power lines Jaylon Smith Jersey , street
transformers, microwave towers and mobile phones.
Any wire conducting electricity has an electric field around it.
If the current is steady, there is no problem, but it's the alternating current in wiring, electrical coils and transmitters, that cause problems.
Naturally Xavier Woods Jersey , the greater the current, the greater will be the seize and intensity of it's
magnetic field. Fortunately, the intensity decreases according to the square of the distance.
This means that the electromagnetic field at two meters from an appliance is four times
less than it is at one meter from the appliance.
However, barriers such as brick, concrete or timber walls or floors provide no protection at all. They are as transparent to EMR as glass is to light.
Our bodies depend on electric currents to function. Very weak currents flow along nerves, conveying messages between various organs and particularly to and from the brain.
However Jourdan Lewis Jersey , the electricity in appliances is many thousands of times stronger and its EMR
interferes with the body's currents.
People who sleep with an electric blanket, bed lamp and radio all turned on, a TV set
running for hours on the other side of the wall an an off-peak hot water system overhead can wake up feeling more tired then when they went to bed.
We know that many research has proved that EMR has a variety of biological effects.
For example, even very weak fields upset individual nerve cells and affect the rate
at which hormones, enzymes and proteins are made.
Epidemiological research has associated the more intense EMR fields with childhood leukaemias and other cancers, immune system deficiencies Chidobe Awuzie Jersey , colonic complaints, Candidiasis, muscular weakness, miscarriage, depression, increased allergies and sleep apnoea.
EMR is also suspected of contributing to cot death Taco Charlton Jersey , chronic fatigue syndrome. multiple
sclerosis and brain tumors.
The US Government's National Council on Radiation Protection acknowledges that household appliances and power lines may increase the risk of leukaemia and other cancers, and degenerative diseases ,such as Alzheimer's.
A New Zealand study found that people living within 20 meters of high tension power lines (which is very close), are three times as likely to suffer asthma, twice as likely to experience deep depression, allergies or dermatitis Connor Williams Jersey , and have a higher incidence of diabetes.
Mobile phone safety has been a raging controversy in recent years, because so many people are now using them. It was noted in the Medical Journal of Australia, that the increase in brain tumors may be related to the increased use of analogue mobile phones.
The problem with mobile phones is that they put a transmitter close to the brain.
The increased EMR may raise the level of free radicals, which could explain the risk of
cancer. Also, CSIRO scientists believe that the blood brain barrier may be affected,
allowing substances to enter the brain which otherwise couldn't.
Fortunately Sean Lee Jersey , some manufacturers are now taking the danger seriously and redesigning phones to direct the radiation away from the brain. Some are also claiming to have substantially reduced the EMR.
The electromagnetic field strength is measured in the US in gauss and in Europe in tesla, the conversion being: one microtesla = 10 miligauss.
We actually live in a strong electromagnetic field of the earth, the strength of which is approximately 500 doesn't harm us as it is a steady, direct current field in which our body is accustomed and synchronized. In contrast with the man-made alternating currents, which are continuously changing and totally unnatural. This caused the hazard.
In an alternating field, the safe level of long-term exposure to EMR is considered by
independent engineers to be approximately 2-3 milligauss. Long term exposure to more than 3 milligauss carries the risk of producing harmful effects.
As an indication of the potential hazards Terrance Williams Jersey , the fields of a microwave oven, when turned on, is 250 milligauss, and that from an electric blanket: 45 milligauss.
Computers,TVs, stereo 3-5 milligauss.
EMR problems often have very simple solutions. The key is to know about EMR in the first place and then be on the lookout for potential sources that can harm us.
Once these are removed Cole Beasley Jersey , the results will speak for themselves.
John Lincoln reports a remarkable success story in "New Vegetarian and Natural Health".
In a family of three, the parents were always lethargic, the father's hair stood on end
when he was in the bedroom and the wife had had two miscarriages. She was not ovulating
and was particularly lethargic. Their young son was frequently sick with a variety of
illnesses and most mornings was found at the bottom of his bed to where he had wriggled
during the night.
The remedies were to disconnect this digital display, replace the electric hot water with solar, and earth the meter box.