Do you want to have a successful loving relationship with yourself and others? Do you want to make sure you are prepared and have the right dating skills to find your partner for life? This free quiz is designed to give you powerful questions to ask yourself. If you are willing to take the time to reflect on these questions and be honest with yourself Cheap Juventus FC Jerseys , I believe it can help you on your journey to find andor keep your Best Friend during the day, Lover at night and Partner for life Cheap Juventus Jerseys ,
Life is an adventure that gives us the incredible opportunity to learn and grow as individuals. I like to say that we do not stop learning or growing until we are 6 feet under. What happens so often is we go through life unaware that we don't know, what we don't know. In this fast paced world many of us do not have or take the time to sit Cheap Wojciech Szczesny Jersey , take a deep breath and really think about these kinds of questions. We usually do not reflect and consider the impact the answers to these questions can have on our life and the lives of our friends, family Cheap Tomas Rincon Jersey , partner and children.
Please take your time to think about each question and be honest when you score yourself. Rate each question from 1 to 10. If you score the question a 10, then you feel like you can answer with a solid YES. If you are not sure then give yourself a 5 and use a 0 if you answer with a definite NO. Of course Cheap Stephan Lichtsteiner Jersey , you can use any number in between.
Before you start, print this page so it will be available to total with the other parts to this quiz for your ?TO?. Place the number to the left of each question and total your score at the end.
Have You Examined and Understand Your Past?
_____ - 1 - Are you aware of your parents? emotional traits?
_____ - 2 - Are you aware of your parents? relationship traits?
_____ - 3 - Are you aware of how your parents? relationship influence's your mate choices?
_____ - 4 - Are you aware of the Law of Attraction?
_____ - 5 - Are you aware of how it affected past relationship choices?
_____ - 6 - Are you aware of how your emotional issues hampered you in past relationships?
_____ - 7 - Are you aware of the negative habits that you brought to past relationships?
_____ - 8 - Are you aware of the negative beliefs that you brought to past relationships?
_____ - 9 - Do you understand the mistakes you made with your past relationship choices?
_____ - 10 - Do you understand what did work for you in past relationships?
_____ - 11 - Do you understand what didn't work for you in past relationships?
_____ - 12 - Have you taken personal responsibility for your actions in your past relationships?
_____ - 13 - Have you pledged not to make the same mistakes in future relationships?
_____ - 14 - Are you ready to be in a committed relationship today?
_____ - Total Score
Okay Cheap Stefano Sturaro Jersey , we have 14 questions with a total possible outstanding score of 140. If your total is;
? 112 or higher - You scored in the upper 80% quartile ? Congratulations! You have obviously taken the time to do some good work examining and understanding your past. You are ready to date successfully. Good Luck!
? 70 ? 111 - You scored in the average range ? Congratulations! You are now aware of the need to re-read the questions you scored low on and take the time to think what you need to do to raise your score. Be careful dating until you can score above 80% on the quiz.
? 0 ? 69 - You scored in the lower range ? Congratulations! You now know where you need to take some time and really examine these areas of your life. It would benefit you tremendously to seriously think about these questions and do whatever you need to do to be able to change your score. It will lead you to a more balanced and fulfilling life. I would put off dating for awhile until you do the work necessary.
I hope Part 2 of the ?TO? quiz has been enlightening and helpful. When you get a chance, please take Part 3 ? ?Do you know your Requirements [url=h