This article will help you in earning money for members at the lowest level. Profit: +200k an hour. You can purchase a Camelot Teleport from the Grand Exchange and then walk from Camelot toward Catherby. You can walk all up to Catherby however it will take much longer. Once you're in Catherby go towards the house to the north of the bank (neighbour house). Enter the house by opening the door. In the southern portion of the house there is a table with a green thing on it. Use the green thing as an insect repellent. Otherwise, the bees can harm you.
Go south again (To the bank). You can turn west and see the beehives. Enter the gate and walk in. Right click on a honeybeehive, and then select the next option "Take honey." You'll need to complete this in less than 30 seconds until you've got 27 honey.
Immediately head back promptly to Catherby (East) immediately and store the honey you collected into your account at the bank. Continue on to Step 4. After an hour, repeat this. 27 honey are worth 4995gp. One run will take 1 minute and 50 seconds if your speed is good. You could earn as much as 199k in one hour! You could also earn up to 200k per hour by selling honey at the maximum price of Grand Exchange. I hope this guide helped you earn money!
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