It is one thing for individuals to go green in their homes Cameron Jordan Saints Jersey , but what if every business became a green business? There is so much waste that takes place in the workplace that just a small amount of effort would yield sizable savings in energy and money. Stopping waste and making sure things are clean seem to belong to a bygone era. Older generations, having lived in lean times, knew the wisdom of being frugal.
It would prove immensely invaluable if businesses went green, yet there are a lot of easy ways in which they can do this. Office equipment in general Michael Thomas Saints Jersey , but especially the office printer, are items which provide opportunities for change. If the amount of paper used could be lowered, a lot of trees would not have to be felled. A quick way to drastically cut back on the paper consumed, would be to print on both sides. Trees are used to clean up the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide Alvin Kamara Saints Jersey , and converting it into oxygen, which would really help the atmosphere. Getting rid of the use of paper is merely one way for an office to become environmentally friendly.
Surely business travel could be cut down, given how the internet now connects businesses globally. Those business meetings attended by men and women from all over and far away could be scrapped, saving a good deal of money and energy. The coonsiderable amount of business travel that occurs Drew Brees Saints Jersey , oftentimes using fuel guzzlers and carbon spewers such as jets and big cars, places great demands on our planet. Video conferencing may be done more cheaply than jet travel. The internet makes it possible too to save on travel and office expenses by letting employees perform a number of jobs at home. However, this won’t work for every job, but still it can make a difference.
A simple way for the workplace to become eco-friendly and save a lot of paper is to switch to email. Imagine how much paper could be saved Rick Leonard Youth Jersey , if people would just pay their bills online. It will be beneficial for the planet if more tasks get done using electronics and not paper. The replacement of desktop computers and monitors with laptop computers provides businesses with another means for conserving energy. Roughly 270 watts of energy are used by the computer and monitor, whereas a laptop doesn’t consume more than 50 watts. A huge energy saver for laptop computers is when they have not been used for 15 minutes, they switch to sleep mode.
For individuals who believe they are saving energy with screensavers, the opposite is true Tre'Quan Smith Youth Jersey , as they use more energy. The biggest saving of energy and money a commercial enterprise could generate, though, would come from switching off every PC or laptop each time they were not in use. If all business organizations were to do this, adequate energy would be saved to power the city of Chicago for an entire year.
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