The Way to Prevent being a Noob on Runescape.The term"noob" stems from the term"newbie",OSRS gold meaning new and inexperienced but Runescape gave it a negative spiritby making noob just a phrase intended to separate the players who are not good or simply to taunt other Runescapers.
Being known as a noob doesn't automatically signify that you are one, however, if you discover a pattern or fail to perform matters mentioned in the following article, then... I'm sorry my friend, however you are a n00b. Do not eliminate hope or do not get discouraged, this manual is here to help out and stop.
Be friendly to others and don't get personal.If you get called a noob, don't take it personally. This is merely a game, not real life, which means you should be able to look past taunts or even disputes.
They are a minority, most of the players are eager to help out and incredibly friendly, but bad behavior could hamper their existence. Try to stay buy Runescape gold humble and consume knowledge before flaming or taunting individuals in duels. When you get into the swing of things, playing can become a lot simpler.
Don't beg or ask for complimentary stuff.Oh god, this is one of the most distinguishable characteristics of a pure-bred noob. Phrases like"Free material pl0x" or"Can I get free stuff" are not welcome in the area of Runescape.