The classic encounter from EQ but WoW Classic as well, were epic. No people are basically bots to you. They do not matter. They are nothings which go and come as you need. You may solo everything and every thing else with wow classic gold. That Dev is a joke. Do not understand how he is CEO. No one asked for the BUGS and PROBLEMS from WoW Classic engine and code from yesterday. They're requesting for the EXPERIENCE . Not a watered down snooze-fest sport that wipes your butt for you, puts food on your mouth and holds your hands so you do have to do over simply spit to play it.
I don't think it will triumph. It will not be a failure. I've played since day 1 of 2 vanilla. It is over rated. A community was created by having to plan matters, having to travel to far off areas on foot or even on slow soil mounts, having to create a group, playing with host just ppl. . .all that I miss from vanilla. Not WoW Classic it self. I really prefer today's WoW Classic as a match, but ppl from vanilla to hang . Now if I could find the vanilla peeps I performed that is something to consider.I'm anticipating about 5-6 million. However, I believe the end of the will proves right brack. I know it's a very unpopular opinion but as a company if they don't maintain that 5-6 million brack will be correct and classic will be considered neglect for its investors.
WoW Classic back then was a different experience. Modern WoW Classic is watered down, completely free epics, no character development at all. I know a good deal of people are going in assuming it will be like the old times... but if you are hoping to get a replicated experience of your very first time ever going to SM you either need amnesia or never played WoW Classic in the first location. The discovery portion is not likely to be there. Your old friends may not be there.But... will there be people playing this? Most definitely. I will not though unless something changes.
If it's just classic and finishes with Naxx being the last raid of progression no. Blizzard should LEARN from this not regurgitate their job. The quest building, the quest, the abilities and character construction, the SOCIAL ASPECTS that let you form those amazing friendships and some of the greatest times of your life to buy gold wow classic eu. I think a lot of individuals hold a lot of respect for this game and I would hate to see it die out if I'm not yet an active sub. It might have even have saved the life of somebody who you know in IRL or online.I played WoW Classic in beta but was not a lover of it all live, it always felt like dumbed down EQ with goofy looking characters. I am unhappy using BfA but classic has been a wreck. Can't perform goblins so classic has no charm for me.